Rewards Summary
Types of Rewards
Rewards and incentives are offered to Palmswap Exchange holders, stakers and traders through various methods.
Trading Fee Distribution
The fees generated from the perpetual exchange are split according to:
50% in USDT
-> to PLP staker
25% in USDT
-> to PALM staker
15% in USDT -> to Team Treasury
10% in USDT -> to Buyback and Burn of PALM
These rewards can be claimed at any time.
Additional inflow for the PLP Liquidity Pool
Traders realized losses/gains
Borrow fees (hourly)
Liquidation fees
Mint and Burn fees for PLP
These rewards cannot be claimed, they go into the liquidity pool (PLP) to increase and reinforce the price of the PLP.
Trade 2 Earn Program for trader
Traders are rewarded with PALM tokens every epoch, an epoch runs for 24 hours and afterwards traders can claim their tokens.
Epoch 1-30
-> 500,000 PALM daily
Epoch 31-365
-> 223,880 PALM daily
To learn more about visit Trade 2 Earn
Platform Rewards Flow Process
Last updated